How does FizzBuzz work?

                            //CONTROLLER FUNCTION

                            function getValues() {
                                //Get "Fizz" and "Buzz" values from the user via the fields on the app page.
                                let fizzValue = document.getElementById("fizzValue").value;
                                let buzzValue = document.getElementById("buzzValue").value;
                                //Ensure that the input is limited to numbers (parse). 
                                fizzValue = parseInt(fizzValue);
                                buzzValue = parseInt(buzzValue);
                                //Ensure that the numbers are interpreted as integers.
                                if (Number.isInteger(fizzValue) && Number.isInteger(buzzValue)) {
                                    //LOGIC FUNCTION
                                    //Call the fizzBuzz function and write the values to the screen
                                    let fbArray = fizzBuzz(fizzValue, buzzValue)
                                } else {
                                    alert("You must use numbers")
                            //Do FizzBuzz (aka call displayData and write the values to the table within the app)
                            function fizzBuzz(fizzValue, buzzValue) {
                                //Initialize the returnArray
                                let returnArray = [];
                                //Write a loop from 1 to 100 and run 3 checks against the values within
                                for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
                                    //Check 1: Divisible by BOTH 3 and 5? If so, push "FizzBuzz" into an array instead of a number
                                    if (i % fizzValue == 0 && i % buzzValue == 0) {
                                        //Check 2: Divisible by 3? If so, push "Fizz" into an array instead of a number
                                    } else if (i % fizzValue == 0) {
                                        //Check 3: Divisible by 5? If so, push "Buzz" into an array instead of a number
                                    } else if (i % buzzValue == 0) {
                                        //If none of the 3 checks above return a value of true, push a number into the array
                                    } else {
                                return returnArray;
                            //VIEW FUNCTION
                            //Loop over the array and create a table row for each item.
                            function displayData(fbArray) {
                                //Get the table body element from the HTML
                                let tableBody = document.getElementById("results");
                                //Get the template row
                                let templateRow = document.getElementById("fbTemplate");
                                //Clear table
                                tableBody.innerHTML = "";
                                for (let i = 0; i < fbArray.length; i += 5) {
                                    let tableRow = document.importNode(templateRow.content, true)
                                    //Obtain data from table rows then put into an array
                                    let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");
                                    rowCols[0].textContent = fbArray[i];
                                    rowCols[1].textContent = fbArray[i + 1];
                                    rowCols[2].textContent = fbArray[i + 2];
                                    rowCols[3].textContent = fbArray[i + 3];
                                    rowCols[4].textContent = fbArray[i + 4];
                                //Add all the rows to the table.

As with similar coding challenges in this series, the JavaScript you see to the left is separated into three basic functions:

- Controller Function

- Logic Function

- View Function

We start by establishing a relationship between our JavaScript code and the empty fields that reside on the app page; this is done by creating variables for both fizzValue and buzzValue that give the user's inputs a static identifier that can be used in our code. Next, we ensure that the values that the user places in those fields are numeric, and that the numbers are interpreted as integers as opposed to plain text.

The logic function calls on the function named fizzBuzz, which is responsible for evaluating the user's input. A for loop runs three checks against that input. Since the code is executed sequentially from the top down, it is important to first define our FizzBuzz array (aka any number in the table divisible by both the user's chosen first number as well as the second) in order to prevent unintended appearances of the words "Fizz" or "Buzz" in fields that do not meet the divisible-by-both-numbers criteria. A final else statement instructs our code to simply push numerical values to the resulting table on the app page if they are not evenly divisible by either of the user's chosen numbers.

The view function is what is ultimately responsible for outputting the data to the aforementioned table. To make the table more readable to the user, the digits are spread across five rows by way of five separate rowCols. We also included instruction to clear the table each time the user clicks the button in the app. This prevents multiple tables from being stacked atop one another in the event that the user attempts to use the app multiple times consecutively.